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Welcome to Care & Share!
Economic hardship is something encountered by many and the road to recovery and self-sufficiency is made easier by those who dare to care and share their stories of overcoming, their prayers, songs, and any other form of heartfelt support. This section of our website is dedicated to providing inspiration...the kind that keeps the fires of hope burning...the kind that says a community on-line and locally cares for its people on their journeys.
If you have encountered economic hardship and overcome its challenges, we would love to hear from you. Share your story. Share what helped you and kept you moving forward. If you are in the midst of economic challenge, share. We care. If you help others through challenging times or just want to reach out and share support in any form, let us hear from you. We dedicate this section of our site to our clients and our friends. We care beyond the groceries. We care beyond our smiles. We care at a heartfelt level for every step of your journey. Email your inspiration, prayer or care to: [email protected] and we'll post it for you. Let's feed hope. Be the Unexpected for Someone
I remember the times of worry about food and budgets and whether or not the mortgage would get paid when I lost my job in the recession. I remember standing in line for unemployment, something I never dreamed I would ever have to do. The things that helped me the most were these: the smile of someone who did not even know me and yet seemed to understand; the friends who surrounded me, the faith that kept me going, and the wonderful people who did the unexpected...those wonderfully warm and random things that make you smile from the inside out. I am a better person for my financial challenge...I seek to be the unexpected for others and to remind them that troubles do not last a lifetime, they only feel that way. At the end of the day, when difficulties have passed, you never forget the people who were the light upon your path. So, never forget to bless someone with your do the unexpected. It matters so very much. You have the opportunity to touch a soul. ~A Fellow Traveler
"Faith, a gift from God, is one of the most powerful forces governing our universe, just as the unseen power of gravity works to pull all things down, the unseen power of faith works to lift all things up." ~Gene Griffin
Prayer of St. Francis
Submitted in prayer for those who are experiencing difficulty and for those who support them. May the love of God continue to guide us all through life's storms. ~St. Gabriel's Episcopal Church.
Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Never stop dreaming and always believe in the power of the next step you is leading you somewhere and that somewhere just might be the place where your dreams meet reality. Keep believing!
We believe in you!
South Hall Community Food Pantry