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Let's Meet!
Our Sponsors
We're Open To Serve:
Mondays 4pm-6pm Thursdays 10am-12pm Saturdays 10am-12pm |
Introducing Our Sponsors
Our Sponsors are comprised of member churches, each of which pay an annual assessment to help offset the cost of operations. The assessment is based on the cost of operations from the previous year.
Each church also provides volunteers to staff pantry hours on a rotating basis, hosts food drives and fundraisers, and supports our need for volunteers to maintain our facilities and equipment. Each church appoints two representatives to serve a two year term on our Board of Directors. Representatives are appointed at the discretion of the member church. Churches who are not presently members of our sponsoring church network may apply to become members. New church Sponsor applications are made to our Board of Directors. If your church is interested in becoming a new church Sponsor, contact us at (678) 865-6580 or email us at: [email protected]. We are so grateful for each of our Sponsors. They are the backbone of our spirit of volunteerism and giving. We could not exist or make a difference to the lives of the hungry in Hall County without our Sponsors. On behalf of all those we serve and for the opportunity to serve, we thank you! Christ Lutheran Church
Founding Sponsor
3612 Old Oakwood Road Oakwood, GA 30566 (770) 535-9938 Oakwood First United Methodist ChurchSt. Gabriel's Episcopal Church
McEver Road United Methodist Church
Redwine United Methodist Church
Flowery Branch United Methodist Church